Wednesday, 4 June 2008

I am appalled. Our sin nature disgusts me. Yes, we have been set free from it through Jesus Christ, but it is still so easy to succumb to it. Even the best intentions still fail, and fail miserably. Whether its a sin of the heart, or physical, or against someone else, why does it have to come so easy? In my heart and mind I can purpose to not do something, and be convinced that it has been dealt with etc., and before I know it I am right back in that same place. Why is it, that some things continually kick me and I feel like I will NEVER overcome it.

Paul talks all about his same feelings in Romans 7. "I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old sin nature is concerned. No matter which way I turn, I can't make myself do right. I want to, but I can't. When I want to do good, I don't. And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway." In some ways, it gives me some measure of peace to know I am not the only one struggling this way. But on the other hand it frustrates me even more. Why does something I want so badly to beat, evade me?

Am I going about it in the wrong way? Have I really not surrendered it? Is there some other solution? Oh, its driving me crazy. Part of me says it'd be easier to give up and not care. But I know that is the worst attitude, and the one Satan wants me to take. Why do some things seem to be such a struggle? Perhaps I should just lock myself in my apartment and never come out, ha. It seems that would be a good solution for me. I am so tired of this, and yet I know I bring it upon myself. Its too easy to find ways to do exactly what I don't want to. Oh what a sweet, sweet day it will be to stand face to face with our Lord and no longer have to battle our sin nature.

1 comment:

missing africa said...

i personally believe that every christian at one point or another (for me many many many times) have been in the exact same place that you have found yourself in... if anyone tells you otherwise they are not telling the truth or are not following hard after the Lord. i think that it is wonderful that you have found yourself so distraught and concerned about where you stant... thats progress in baby steps. it would be all to easy to just put your hands up and tell God that you give up, especially with everything going on around you. but dont. dont be stagnant. dont give up. keep making those baby steps even if it does seem like its two steps forward and one step back. you know that im here any time you need someone to talk to. dont hesitate. i have walked a mile or more in your shoes, maybe the circumstances are a little different but believe me there are more similar than you will ever know. i love you and pray that the Lord will give you the courage, endurance, and will to stay strong.