Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Patience is passion tamed.-Lyman Abbott

"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves." Rainer Maria Rilke

Sometimes I think that which we want the most, at some point we are asked to wait for it. When something affects your heart, it has the power to hurt you and drive you crazy. I don't like it when things get to that point. I lose my control over it then. I like keeping control of things; my plans, my emotions, my independence, etc. Now if the struggle is within yourself, well you can deal with it how you choose, if someone(s) else is part of it that is where it can get tricky.

I am a pretty proactive person. If I make a goal or know what I want, I will work hard to get it. You can't control other people though. So when I have to wait on someone else for a school, medical, or personal related issue, I feel like I am not doing anything when I should be. But sometimes, you do have to wait. "Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength." (Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton) Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to have patience. To allow someone time to come around, (if you are lucky to your way of thinking) or to working through something you put before them (religious etc.)

So what happens if your heart and/or mind is so completely given over to this situation or person? Perhaps something came up and you really want the answers now, or things have been going on for a while and you want things good and right again. Unfortunately, you can't shake the person and fix everything (If you could, I would be the first one to try!) "Patience is more about waiting, tolerating, and forgiving. We are patient when we give others their own space and time." (Don Jacobs) Thats what people are about.

First, you have to get to the point you truly forgive them. Not just for part of it, but for all of it. So that you can honestly be free of that bondage; forgiveness of yourself and others is such a sweet release. You don't have to look in the mirror or at someone else and think about something in the past. And I have been able to let go of a lot these last several weeks. But then, you get to the part you have to "wait and tolerate." I don't like this part as much, this is where shaking and hitting up side the head would be very beneficial in my opinion :) This is where you may not agree with their handling of everything...many words may come to mind haha (try and get past those ha). But rushing it, probably isn't a wise move either(yes, I have to stop myself sometimes). I have to remind myself to NOT rush things...Again, I am not a very patient person. But when something gets to you enough, its hard not to be patient because you always want to hope. You've gotten past the bad, and now you tolerate...And only hope that doesn't have to last too long. Some would just say move on, forget whatever it is. But you know you can' you stay busy and keep doing your thing and hope you get what you have been tolerating for a while.
"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time."(Winston Churchill)

"Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water.Be still and allow the mud to settle."(Lao Tzu)

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